
An adjunct to my world. It makes it easier to operate.

Monday, March 01, 2010


i want to feel you all over my body

i am a well

fall into me

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I feel like a fucking toy.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hurly Burly

Good lord was that a stressful, angry, fearful few days. Acknowledging this...

At times, thoughts and feelings and psychic artifacts came to the surface in such vivid, "productive" ways, I would say it was somewhat psychedelic, but this proves that psychedelia is not so much fundamental as it is merely producing this.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monster People

"Rawr! Argh! Look at me, I am an insane person and I don't know it!"

Friday, May 15, 2009

Starred challenge problem

How to provoke an ideological shift such that marketing is seen as a personality disorder.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If it hurts good do it

Lately the alarms have been going off a bit less often.

While that might be true, it's more relevant that the mental heaves and surges that tend to be sparked by the moment-to-moment collision with reality have not been quite so painful. I had not noticed it happening, but all of a sudden it seems as if I am at last able to experience, for example, the adrenaline rushes which once spelled anxiety rather as awakenings, as alerts. This is life.

If sensation is not a warning, then what is it?

I've been kneaded into a dough, such a complex and fine foliation of dependent fears and aversions that, to begin, I must remember how not to fear the fear, before fear itself could be relieved. When the alarm of being alive becomes a sensual thing, then one more piece of me is free.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

A list

the irresistible pull of an idea
something to celebrate